How to Clear the DNS Cache in Windows 10 in 3 Ways

How to Flush and Clear the DNS Cache in Windows 10 in 3 Ways in 2021
How to Flush and Clear the DNS Cache in Windows 10 in 3 Ways in 2021

Had concerns with DNS resolution? Do you need to clear the DNS cache on your Windows 10 device or server? Then you are most welcome. In this guide, you are going to learn how to clear or flush DNS cache in Windows in 3 Different ways.

However, In Microsoft Windows 10, flushing the DNS resolver cache will help solve DNS related problems. Issues may involve unfinding errors on the website or not being able to access those evolving web pages.


What is DNS?

DNS is the “Domain Name System.” It translates website names into IP addresses that can be interpreted by computers. This applies to every website you choose to visit. The web browser initiates an internet search if a user visits a website by its hostname, but this search cannot be done until the website name is “converted” to an IP address.

In the meantime, Windows comes with the option that stores the required DNS server address to speed up your browsing experience. The TCP/IP stack uses the IP address and refers to this user-specific DNS service or gateway-specific service to download the domain name of the website to its IP address and upload it to the web browser.

Windows comes with an option that stores the specified DNS server address to boost your browsing experience. The TCP/IP stack uses the IP address and refers to this user-specific DNS or gateway-specific service to fix the domain name of the website to its IP address and upload it to the webserver.

What is DNS Cache?

DNS Cache refers to the temporary storing of information about previous DNS lookups on a machine’s OS or web server. Holding a local copy of a DNS lookup allows it easier for your OS or browser to retrieve it, meaning a web site’s URL can be resolved to the corresponding IP even more conveniently. The basic function is more or less the same with different kinds of caches.

DNS caching not only happens at the level of the OS and system. In fact, as mentioned above, a DNS lookup implies different steps. In the course of a new DNS lookup, the search passes through the resolver, root node, and TLD server. At each point, information is gathered and processed for later use. Therefore, even if the local DNS cache is empty, it might be possible to access a cached copy of the required information.

How to Clear the DNS CacheCache in Windows 10

Normally, there are three types of caches in Windows which you can flush easily:

  • Memory Cache
  • DNS Cache
  • Thumbnails Cache

Clearing the Memory Cache will free up some system memory while clearing the Thumbnail Cache will make your hard disk space secure. Clearing the DNS cache will fix problems with your internet access.

1. Reset DNS Cache via Command Prompt in Windows 10

Step 1. Open Command Prompt (CMD) as an administrator and click Yes if you are prompted.

Step 2. Type ipconfig /flushdns and press the Enter button on your keyboard.

How to Flush and Clear the DNS Cache in Windows 10 in 3 Ways in 2021
ipconfig /flushdns

Step 3. Now, you will see a message that says “Successfully Flushed the DNS Resolver Cache“. A command box will flash on the screen for a split second and the DNS Resolver cache is cleared.

2. How to Clear the DNS Cache in Windows 10 via Windows PowerShell

Step 1. Type PowerShell in the search bar click Run as Administrator. If you’re prompted, click Yes.

Step 2. Type Clear-DnsClientCache on the PowerShell window and then press the Enter button.

How to Flush and Clear the DNS Cache in Windows 10 in 3 Ways in 2021

3. Reset DNS via Run

Step 1. Press Windows key+R to open Run.

Step 2. Type ipconfig /flushdns then press enter or click OK.

How to Flush and Clear the DNS Cache in Windows 10 in 3 Ways in 2021
ipconfig /flushdns
Additional Tips: Clear DNS Cache on Google Chrome

The Google Chrome Browser maintains its own internal DNS Cache. To clear it, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Launch the Google Chrome web browser.
  • In the address bar, type chrome://net-internals/#dns. Google Chrome displays a list of hosts in its internal DNS cache.
  • Click Clear host cache.
Clear host cache/Chrome
  • In the address bar, type chrome://net-internals/#sockets.
  • Click on both Close idle sockets, and then click Flush socket pools.
Close idle sockets, and then click Flush socket pools/Chrome

How to View your Current DNS Cache

To view your current DNS cache, run Command Prompt as administrator and type ipconfig /displaydns.

ipconfig /displaydns

The command will produce a very long output.

Why will something be resolved by flushing the DNS Resolver Cache? 

Often a site’s IP address will alter. If the old IP address record is in the DNS Resolver Cache, it can result in your device not being able to access the site. Cached knowledge can become corrupt as well. Clearing it is also a step that you should take if you can not connect to the web.

Final Words

This post was all about how to clear the DNS cache in Windows 10 in 3 different ways. Both entries are added as you flush the DNS Cache, and any invalid records are erased. This would allow those addresses to be repopulated by your computer when you want to access those websites next time. These new addresses are taken from the DNS registry that is being set up to be used by the network. If you still have DNS issues then check out this guide on using nslookup to test DNS, it includes 8 tips for troubleshooting DNS problems.

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