How to Reduce Data Usage on PC in Windows 10

How to Reduce Data Usage on PC in Windows 10 (6 Steps to Follow)
How to Reduce Data Usage on PC in Windows 10 (6 Steps to Follow)

An Internet-connected Windows 10 PC helps you get the best out of your computer. However as Windows 10 is obviously one heck of a data-demanding operating system, this comes at a cost. You would definitely want to monitor and decrease how much data the Windows 10 OS consumes if you are using a limited or capped data plan to access the internet on your PC. In this guide, you will learn how to reduce data usage on PC in Windows 10.

Meanwhile, even if you don’t have a limited internet plan, those methods are useful. Also, it’s about time you’ve noticed that your Windows 10 PC consumes too much data than usual. So to use your internet plan wisely, you should also reduce the use of your Windows 10 computer data using the tips below.


Reduce Data Usage on PC in Windows 10

If you are using unlimited internet, it is not important how much internet is used with Windows. But for those guys, whose internet is limited, it is hard to use the internet unlimited. Here, we will show you how to reduce date usage on PC.

Here’s how to reduce data usage on PC:

1. Make Connection Metered: to Reduce Data Usage on PC

Making your internet connection measured is one of the simplest ways to make your Windows 10 computer use less data or reduce the data usage on PC than it normally would. Your Windows computer will suspend some data-consuming activities on a metered network, such as automatic Windows update downloads, automatic app updates, automatic Start Menu Tile updates, and a few other data-consuming features in the background.

Here’s how your internet connection can easily be measured on any Windows 10 computer:

  • Press Win+I to open Settings.
  • Select the Network & Internet option.
  • In the Status section, Windows will show you the network your PC is currently connected to (could be Wi-Fi or Ethernet). To change the network status to metered, Click the Properties option.
Make Connection Metered
  • Scroll to the Metered connection section, and if the Set as metered connection option is turned off. Turn it on.

2. Turn off Background Apps

And when the apps are closed, the Windows 10 OS allows certain apps to run in the background, and you are not using them. Not only are some of these applications secretly wasting your internet bandwidth (with permission to run in the background), they even run down the battery of your PC faster than normal.

If you want to restrict the data use of your Windows PC to the least, one thing to do is to turn off background apps or reduce the number of apps running in the background. Here’s how to get it rolling.

  • Press Win+I to open Settings.
  • Select Privacy.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the left-hand section and select Background apps.
  • Click the Let apps run in the background option to turn it off and disable background apps.
Turn off Background Apps

3. Disable Settings Synchronization

When you sign-in your Microsoft account to your Laptop, the Windows 10 operating system syncs the settings of your PC (and other configurations) to other computers that you have signed in to your Microsoft account. Although this is a nifty feature, it consumes your data, and you most likely don’t need it at all times.

To save data, you can disable this setting and turn it on only when you need to sync your settings to other devices. Here’s how to do it.

  • Press Win+I to open Settings.
  • Click Accounts.
  • Click Sync your settings option from the left pane.
  • Turn off the Sync settings option.
How to Reduce Data Usage on PC in Windows 10 (6 Steps to Follow)
Disable Settings Synchronization

4. Disable or Pause Windows Update

To disable or pause the Windows update option may cause some problems for Windows and it’s not recommended to disable or pause Windows update. It is recommended to update regularly your Windows. If you have a limited internet connection it is not necessary to update the Windows. Here is two way to turn off your Windows update option.

  • Press Win+I to open Windows Settings.
  • Click Update & Security.
  • Click Windows update and then select Advanced options.
  • In the Pause update section, tap the Pause until the drop-down button to select a date you want to defer automatic download and installation of Windows updates till.
How to Reduce Data Usage on PC in Windows 10 (6 Steps to Follow)
Disable or Pause Windows Update

5. Off Diagnostics & Feedback

This option also uses more Internet connections, providing you with Windows and Microsoft updates. You should make some adjustments to make them go down. You can reduce data usnage on PC via this option.

  • Press Win+I to open Windows Settings.
  • Click Privacy.
  • Select Diagnostics & Feedback from the left pane.
  • Turn off both the Improve inking and typing and Tailored experiences.
How to Reduce Data Usage on PC in Windows 10 (6 Steps to Follow)
Off Diagnostics & Feedback

6. Set Limit Internet Data

Windows 10 has the ability to make limit the usages of WIFI or Ethernet Networks. You can set the internet as much as you want, 1GB, 2GB, or more. With this setting, your internet will be controlled and no more internet will be used uselessly. Go to Setting > Network & Internet > Data Usage > Enter limit > Set Limit.

Set Limit Internet Data

Final Words

These were the 6 steps to follow and reduce the data usage on your PC in Windows 10. It could become irritating to accidentally exhaust your internet data plan before its expiration date. It will also end up costing you more and more to trigger such flexi-packs. You should ensure that your machine uses your internet only for the important things to avoid that. Take control and decrease the data consumption of your Windows 10 PC by allowing only the bare minimum activities to access it for required updates.

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